Parenting the Love and Logic WayTM provides parents with tools and techniques to raise respectful, responsible and enjoyable children. Parents will learn strategies to avoid un-winnable power struggles, to stay calm and empathetic, to set enforceable limits, to empower their children rather than enable them, and help their children learn from their mistakes.
Join Mrs. Stoltzfus, Plato-Campus Principal, for this fun-filled six-week parenting course.
The class will be limited to the first 30 registrants.
Is it a challenge to find childcare for evening events? This year’s class will be held during the school day, Wednesdays, 1-3PM, at the Plato Campus.
· Dates: Wednesday afternoons, 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 2/26, 2/5, and 2/12
· Time: 1:00–3:00PM
· Location: Liberty Common Elementary Plato Campus
· Cost: $15.00 (to cover the cost of materials)
A previous attendee reported, “The class was a wonderful experience. It brought a fresh perspective to our day-to-day struggles and has already reduced the frequency of arguing in our household.”